Quick Start

Install using Docker Compose

ODSC use various services (like Redis or PostgresSQL) that you need to install and configure. So the most easly wat to desploy ODSC is using docker-compose:

  1. Download the project code
> git clone https://github.com/BBVA/ODSC.git /tmp/odsc
  1. Go to the source code installation
> cd /tmp/odsc
  1. Run `Docker compose` to deploy the service:
> docker-compose build & docker-compose up
  1. Use the project

4.1. Using web browser

Open your web browser to the address:



4.2. Using in console with CURL

Very easy, after deploy the service, you only need to run a simple curl in a console:

> curl
{project: ñaskdjflasjfklas}

Now check the status:

> curl
{scan_status: "running"}

And, when finished, get results:

> curl